Success4 Release Note Version 1.27. 46_Sep_21_2022


Assets and Notes Enhancement:

Assets and Notes are enhanced so that the preview of notes can be viewed when clicked on the note title.

Playbook Enhancement:

The new enhancement allows the user to add actions to multiple accounts, and edit/delete actions for multiple accounts.

This is performed through the Action Module in the Admin end.

Create Action:

Step1: Click on the ‘Add Action’ icon.

Step2: Enter the required fields, enable the checkbox and click save.

If the check box is enabled, the new action gets added to the existing playbook on the CSM end.

Step3: Here, the action is added on the CSM side for the specific playbook.

Any number of accounts that have this playbook assigned gets a new action added to it.

If no Primary CSM is assigned to an account, then the action will get assigned to the logged-in user who adds the action and assigns it to accounts.

Edit Action:

Step1: Click on the ‘Edit Action’ icon for any action to edit.

Step2: Edit the required fields and enable the checkbox and click save.

Step3: The action gets updated for the specific playbook in the CSM end.

All the accounts that have this playbook assigned get the action updated. 

Delete Action:

Step1: Click on the ‘Delete Action’ icon for any action.

Step2: Enable the checkbox and click Confirm.

Step3: In the CSM side, the action gets deleted from the specific playbook

All the accounts that have this playbook assigned get the action deleted.

Note: If the check box is not enabled, then the action added, edited, or deleted will not reflect in the playbooks in the CSM end for accounts that are already linked with this playbook.

Those changes will be reflected in the playbook when assigned newly to an account.

Bug Fix:

The bug in the playbook completion when the last action is skipped is fixed.


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